Predict values from a fitted 2D-Gaussian

predict_gaussian_2D(fit_object, X_values, Y_values, ...)



Either the output of gaussplotR::fit_gaussian_2D() or a list that contains coefficients and fit methods (see Details).


vector of numeric values for the x-axis


vector of numeric values for the y-axis


Additional arguments


A data.frame with the supplied X_values and Y_values along with the predicted values of the 2D-Gaussian (predicted_values)


This function assumes Gaussian parameters have been fitted beforehand. No fitting of parameters is done within this function; these can be supplied via the object created by gaussplotR::fit_gaussian_2D().

If fit_object is not an object created by gaussplotR::fit_gaussian_2D(), predict_gaussian_2D() attempts to parse fit_object as a list of two items. The coefficients of the fit must be supplied as a one-row, named data.frame within fit_object$coefs, and details of the methods for fitting the Gaussian must be contained as a character vector in fit_object$fit_method. This character vector in fit_object$fit_method must be a named vector that provides information about the method, amplitude constraint choice, and orientation constraint choice, using the names method, amplitude, and orientation. method must be one of: "elliptical", "elliptical_log", or "circular". amplitude and orientation must each be either "unconstrained" or "constrained". For example, c(method = "elliptical", amplitude = "unconstrained", orientation = "unconstrained"). One exception to this is when method = "circular", in which case orientation must be NA, e.g.: c(method = "circular", amplitude = "unconstrained", orientation = NA).


Vikram B. Baliga


if (interactive()) { ## Load the sample data set data(gaussplot_sample_data) ## The raw data we'd like to use are in columns 1:3 samp_dat <- gaussplot_sample_data[,1:3] #### Example 1: Unconstrained elliptical #### ## This fits an unconstrained elliptical by default gauss_fit <- fit_gaussian_2D(samp_dat) ## Generate a grid of x- and y- values on which to predict grid <- expand.grid(X_values = seq(from = -5, to = 0, by = 0.1), Y_values = seq(from = -1, to = 4, by = 0.1)) ## Predict the values using predict_gaussian_2D gauss_data <- predict_gaussian_2D( fit_object = gauss_fit, X_values = grid$X_values, Y_values = grid$Y_values, ) ## Plot via ggplot2 and metR library(ggplot2); library(metR) ggplot_gaussian_2D(gauss_data) ## Produce a 3D plot via rgl rgl_gaussian_2D(gauss_data) #### Example 2: Constrained elliptical_log #### ## This fits a constrained elliptical, as in Priebe et al. 2003 gauss_fit <- fit_gaussian_2D( samp_dat, method = "elliptical_log", constrain_orientation = -1 ) ## Generate a grid of x- and y- values on which to predict grid <- expand.grid(X_values = seq(from = -5, to = 0, by = 0.1), Y_values = seq(from = -1, to = 4, by = 0.1)) ## Predict the values using predict_gaussian_2D gauss_data <- predict_gaussian_2D( fit_object = gauss_fit, X_values = grid$X_values, Y_values = grid$Y_values, ) ## Plot via ggplot2 and metR ggplot_gaussian_2D(gauss_data) ## Produce a 3D plot via rgl rgl_gaussian_2D(gauss_data) }